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Oral Solutions NW

Dental Implant FAQs
Dental Implants West Linn, OR

Diagram of dental implant in lower jaw.At Oral Solutions NW, we believe patient education is the foundation of successful treatment. If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be wondering about possible replacement options. The following information is designed to help you benefit understand dental implants and why they are so popular. As specialists in the field, we offer the safest and most advanced implant treatment available today.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a titanium post that we position into the jawbone during minor surgery. Once the implant is in place, it serves as the root component for a durable and aesthetically-pleasing restoration. These days, implants can be used to support a single crown, fixed bridge, or full-arch appliance. Regardless of how many teeth you are missing, an implant-supported restoration is usually the preferred choice over more traditional appliances.

Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Most people healthy enough to undergo minor surgery should qualify for dental implants. However, successful treatment depends on the quality and quantity of your underlying bone. If your jawbone is too thin or too soft, implant failure may occur. To ensure the success of your implant, we may recommend a preliminary bone graft before we move forward with treatment. Bone grafting has helped many of our patients experience the benefits of dental implants when it would have otherwise been impossible.

Why Are Dental Implants the Preferred Solution?

Many benefits associated with dental implants stem from a process known as osseointegration. During this process, the implant fuses to your bone, forming a powerful bond that mimics the relationship between the tooth root and your jaw. Once osseointegration is complete, your implant will be strong enough to support a restoration against the strongest forces of your bite. In other words, your implant-supported restoration will be the next best thing to your natural teeth.

What Is the Success Rate of Dental Implants?

The success rate for dental implants varies from patient to patient but generally hovers around 90-98%. During your treatment planning, Dr. Jeffrey Crowley will using cutting-edge techniques and technology to determine the precise placement of your implant, which maximizes your chances of success. Implant failure is extremely unlikely.

How Much Does Implant Treatment Cost?

The cost of your treatment depends on the number of implants we place and the type of restorative materials we use. While the initial cost of implants can seem high, they are more cost-effective in the long-term. Traditional restorations, like partial and complete dentures, need to be repaired, adjusted, or replaced at more frequent intervals. Your implant-supported restoration provides you with an unmatched level of durability and longevity.

How Do I Care for My Dental Implants?

The longevity of your restoration depends on the level of care you put into maintenance. Luckily, most implant-supported restorations can be maintained just like your natural teeth, with regular brushing, flossing, and checkups. On average, dental implants last for several decades. With proper care, your restoration could even last a lifetime!

Find out If Implants Are Right for You!

If you have any other questions regarding dental implants, we are happy to help! Of course, the best way to learn more is in person. Call (971) 447-0164 to schedule your consultation today!
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Dental Implant FAQs | Dental Implants West Linn, OR
At Oral Solutions NW, the following information is designed to help you benefit and understand dental implants. We also explain why they are so popular!
Oral Solutions NW, 22400 Salamo Rd. Suite # 205, West Linn, OR 97068 - (971) 447-0164 - - 1/19/2025 - Related Terms: dental implants West Linn OR -