Tooth Extraction
Tooth Extractions provided by Oral Solutions NW in West Linn, OR

At Oral Solutions NW, we specialize in a wide-variety of surgical procedures designed to prevent or treat oral health problems. One of our most common treatments involves the surgical extraction of problematic teeth. If you or a family member is need of an extraction, our safe and effective methods may be the ideal solution.
When Is a Tooth Extraction Necessary?
We will always attempt to save the tooth before we recommend an extraction. However, this is not possible, and a tooth extraction may be the best course of action. Believe it or not, an extraction, whether it is preventive or restorative, can help you maintain a healthier and more beautiful smile.
The most common reasons for a tooth extraction include:
• | Damage or decay too severe for repairs |
• | A very loose tooth as the result of trauma or gum disease |
• | Extra teeth that prevent others from properly erupting |
• | Primary teeth that do not fall out on their own |
• | Making space for orthodontic treatment |
• | Eliminating pain and other symptoms associated with impacted teeth |
• | Preventing wisdom teeth from creating complications for your existing teeth |
• | Stopping the spread of infection, especially if you have suppressed immune system |
Surgical and Simple Extractions
There are two major types of extractions: simple and surgical. A simple extraction involves a tooth that has already erupted above the gums, while a surgical involves a tooth that has yet to appear. As oral surgeons, we specialize primarily in surgical extractions.
During a surgical extraction, we will begin with the application of local anesthetic to eliminate any pain or discomfort. We also offer several forms of sedation if you are anxious or nervous about the procedure. Your comfort is our top priority.
Once you are properly anesthetized, Dr. Jeffrey Crowley will make a small incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth. Next, we typically need to break up the tooth into several pieces. This makes it easier and safer to remove the tooth from its socket. We may also need to remove a small amount of your bone if the tooth is particularly stubborn.
After we remove the tooth, we will suture the incision. We then pack the surgical site with gauze to help produce a clot and prevent excess bleeding. Depending on the type of sedation you receive, you may need to arrange a ride to and from our office. Before you leave, we will give you a detailed set of post-operative instructions.
After an Extraction
Post-operative complications after tooth extraction are rare, but they do occur. Like any surgery, you can expect a minor amount of discomfort in the first few days following your procedure. Your level of discomfort and its duration depends on how difficult it was to remove your tooth. In most cases, you should be able to manage your discomfort with over-the-counter pain relievers, like Advil.
Be sure to call us as soon as possible if you experience excessive swelling, bleeding, or bruising after the first few days. In some cases, a painful condition known as “dry socket” may occur due to a dislodged blood clot. Fortunately, dry socket only develops in about three or four percent of all extractions. Following our post-operative instructions can significantly reduce your risk of developing any complications.
Schedule a Consultation
Find out if you or a family member needs an extraction. Call (971) 447-0164 to schedule a consultation today!